Have Questions???
How much does one hold?
For insurance reasons we rate them for 25 pounds, but in reality, at around 50-60 pounds the steel will start to bend. Usually you are using 2 hooks for balance ( i.e. a long stepladder), not for weight.
Do I need different hooks for overhead or different size wood?
The same hook works overhead, at an angle, or on a regular stud. Due to its spring design, the same hook can be used from 1' to 3 1/2" ( 2x4's and 4x4's)
What kind of wood does it grab?
Due to it's extremely sharp steel points, the Studgrabbers will work on any wood; hard wood, soft wood, rough sawn etc.
the hard wood founf in old barns or homes as well as new construction.
What are they made of?
They are a galvanized spring steel, therefore they will not rust.
How long will they last?
Virtually forever, we've never had an incident of someone saying they wore out or got dull.
Where are they made?
Studgrabbers are 100% US made, we are the inventor and manufacturer.
Anything it will not grab?
Due to it's design, it is made to sink into wood, therefore it will not work on Metal or plastic studs.
What size board is the shelf hook design to hold?
The shelf hook is designed to hold an 8" board. When used as a shelf there is still storage thru the brackets under the shelf as well as the ability to hanf things from the bracket. It is also very handy as a single unit to hold bigger heavier things. I. E.
kayaks, cord reels, hoses etc.
How much weight will each shelf hook hold?
Due to the welding and the bracing, each shelf hook will hold approx 150 pounds when used as single units for holding hose reels, kayaks, cords etc; or 300 pounds when used as a shelf as long as your board can support that much weight.
On YouTube the original video shows yellow rubber coated hooks? Are they still available?
Due to increases i nsteel prices since we started, we no longer rubbber coat the hooks to keep the prices down. However, you can purchase an inexpensive product at most hardware stores called Tool Dip that will allow you to coat the hooks easily yourself if you wish.
Shipping outside continental US
Please contact us directly for bulk orders or shipping outside the continental US